A page for local businesses and individuals to run ads. Local Ads: |
Check the results and subsequent exposure for Facebook Marketing this page.
To place an ad:
1. Email artwork/banner to Omegaweb147@gmail.com
2. Include links to website and or social media.
your ad can link to these pages.
3. Text or call with details about ad here: 401-477-2963
4. Payment is done by Paypal.
Block ads for businesses are currently $20 per month.
This page runs twice a month on the 1st and 15th using targeted ads with
facebook marketing.
Your ad will be seen by 1000's of local users via desktop and mobile phone applications.
This is the new wave of advertising! News paper ads are dying!
Call Customer Service or Text for special rates: 401-477-2963 pls leave msg
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